24 Hour Readathon Hour 5 Recap

Title of book(s) started since last update: Ready to Wed by Melody Carlson

Title of book(s) finished since last update: Leaving Carolina by Tamara Leigh, The Elevator by Angela Hunt, Confessions of a Fat Girl by Liza Palmer, Why the Sky is Blue by Susan Meissner, Red and Lowering Sky by Lynn Morris

Number of books finished since you started: 5

Pages read since last update: 288

Running total of pages read since you started: 1742

Amount of time spent reading since last update: 50 minutes

Running total of time spent reading since you started: 250 minutes


  1. Wow, you read books quickly! Have already finished 5! lol.
    Here's to a long day ahead~

  2. Wow, you have read five books already! That's awesome! :)

  3. You are on a roll! Happy reading!


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