24 Hour Readathon Hour 1 Recap

Title of book(s) started since last update: Leaving Carolina by Tamara Leigh, The Elevator by Angela Hunt

Title of book(s) finished since last update: Leaving Carolina by Tamara Leigh

Number of books finished since you started: 1

Pages read since last update: 438

Running total of pages read since you started: 438

Amount of time spent reading since last update: 50 minutes

Running total of time spent reading since you started:50 minutes


  1. Good Luck, Deborah!

    I just noticed your blog info in your PBS siggy. I'm in the A Wish & A Prayer CF WL Swap with you! :)

    Leaving Carolina is on my WL. I tried to read The Elevator, but couldn't finish it. :( You've reviewed lots of books I've read, have on my WL, or are in my TBR piles.

    I'm taking your button so I can be sure to come back often.

    You can visit me at either of my blogs:


    Have fun reading!
    ~ Lori

  2. Deborah....

    You blow my mind with how fast you read! I'm doing the read-a-thon today, too, and I've gotten off to a very slow start.

    Hope you gets lots of reading done today!!


  3. 50 minutes and 2 books? That's great!


  4. oh bother!! i totally made a mistake, i only finished ONE book during the first hour!

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Traditional read-a-thon blessing:

    May the bookshelf be there to greet you.
    May all the books appeal.
    May the fridge be full of tasty snacks;
    the words fall soft upon your eyes and until the read-a-thon ends,
    may you always hold a book in the palm of your hand.

    Good luck today!

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Way to go on getting so many pages read. I've been off to a rough start with many, many interruptions even though I informed everyone of what I was doing this week. Oh well, here's to a few minutes of peace! Happy reading.


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