I Got to Talk to Ted Dekker!!!

Today Ted Dekker was featured on Center Street's Blog Talk Radio program where he was interviewed. You could call in and ask him questions....and I did!!!


You can hear me here, I'm about 5 minutes in and then I'm the last question, it's about an hour long interview. You can also hear Janna from Cornhusker Academy and Kathy from Bermuda Onion's Weblog as well.

I'm really geeked!!!!!!!!! I sound a little bit overexcited but I was really nervous because I love Ted's books!!! How awesome is that!

Don't forget to enter the contest to win one of three copies of Boneman's Daughters from my blog.


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Listening now, heard you at the beginning ... :)

    Jennifer of http://literatehousewife.com is on the show, too!

  2. That is really VERY exciting!! I have some students at school who would be totally envious of you -- they absolutely LOVE Ted Dekker!!

  3. ok -- sorry but I just have to comment again. This interview is absolutely wonderful!! I need to play it for my English classes

  4. Super interview!! Yay for you. Good job.

  5. I got really nervous when I called in to ask Jean Hanff Korelitz a question for the Admission BTR interview.


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