Survey for Ann Tatlock Cover

A message from Jim Hart over at Bethany House:

"Right now, we’re running a survey to help us make a decision about a cover for an upcoming novel by Ann Tatlock (many of you read and enjoyed her last, Things We Once Held Dear). While we get some response through our newsletter audience, I would like to invite the Christian Fiction Blog community to participate in this survey as well. If you’re willing to, please visit and take the short survey (all the data is private). "

Here's your chance to have a say in the book publishing world!


  1. Thanks for pointing that out, it was fun to do!

  2. P.S. I'm curious, which cover did you choose? I chose the middle one, with the umbrella...

    Also, I received Arms of Deliverance. Thank you!

  3. i picked the middle one too. i liked the whole can't see the face b/c of the umbrella look.

    hope you enjoy the book!


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