Book Review: "Around the World in 80 Dates: Confesssions of a Christian Serial Dater" by Christa Ann Banister and BOOK GIVEAWAY!

I'm giving away a brand new copy of today's book! Leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you win. I'll pick a name and announce the winner on Monday, December 17. Good luck!

I date and I like it

Yes, Sydney Alexander is a Christian that dates. And she likes dating. She has dated many men, and she is still trying to find the one. When the story picks up, she is set up with a blind date, who happens to also start dating her best friend, who doesn't know that he's dating the both of them. Then her ex comes back into her life wanting to start things over again. But first she has to go to England and see where she wants to be in life. Also her sister gets dumped by a car who compares her to a car, her guy best friend is in love with her, but she doesn't know this. Yes dating is a fun time in the life of single 20something Christian woman.

I keep gushing about Christian chick lit, I know. But I can't help it! The genre is getting better and better with each new author that I read. This book is unique because it starts off as first person from Sydney's POV and then switches into third person with various different characters. So you got to get into the minds of the other people as well. This is interesting because Sydney would go on a date with Justin and you would see the date from her perspective and then the storyline would switch and you would see his view from after the date. This doesn't get confusing at all and I think it actually enhanced the storyline. I loved the job that Sydney had. I would love to be a writer for a magazine and get to travel to different places and write up about my adventures. Her job search is also interesting as well because I feel that many young women who read this book will relate to it.

What appealed to me most about this book is that it approves dating. I'm actually a little tired about reading books about Christians who give up on dating. I know it's a good concept, but sometimes it makes me feel like I'm a bad person who does date (well technically I'm only dating one person but you know what I mean). So it was VERY refreshing to read about someone my age who likes dating and wants to date. The scene that stood out to me the most was the last scene that Sydney has with Liam. I was completely floored with his character. He was like the "Toxic" relationship that a lot of girls seem to have, where they keep hanging on to a jerk for no good reason. But it is a situation that I believe many of us have been through and so I could totally relate with Sydney and share her pain. The characters in this book are real, you feel the hurt, the joy, the suffering, the ecstasy. I really loved how the ending turned out. It tied up everything AND kept you hanging. I loved the list of movies in the back of the book. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of my all time favorite movies too!

Also this book mentions actual real bands such as The Replacements and Death Cab for Cutie! I know it's because the author worked in the music business but I just loved it how the bands were real and not made up. Also it shows that Christians actually listen to good music. I definitely cannot wait until Christa Banister's next book comes out. This was one of my favorite reads of the year. If you love chick lit, GET THIS BOOK!

Around the World in 80 Dates by Christa Ann Banister is published by NavPress (2007)


  1. Enter me please. :)

  2. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I haven't read anything by this authors. Please put me in for the drawing to win this book.


  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Sounds like a great book for both myself and my teenage daughter. Thanks so much for the drawing. Pam (aliadam from FR)

  4. This sounds like a really good book. Please enter me.
    itsmyemail (at)

  5. I'm very interested in reading this book :)

  6. I had never read Chick lit until I started doing reviews for Multnomah and Waterbrook, but I am growing to like them more and more. This one sounds really interesting and I would love to be entered into the drawing.


  7. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Love the site and have bookmarked it so I can keep reading. Saw your post on PBS. I'd love a copy of this book!

    (m4yg1n from PBS)

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I love to read books like this. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you.


  9. i've been dying to read this book! i would love to win a copy! please enter me! thanks for doing these contests! hsmuda[at]gmail[dot]com

  10. I love chick-lit, too, and have had my eye on this book for quite a while.

    eviesmommo at yahoo dot com

  11. After a review like that who wouldn't want to read this book? Please enter me

    hawkes AT

  12. Please enter me inthe drawing for this book. It sounds really good!

  13. I love the title to this book! So clever!

    You don't have to enter me, I just wanted to comment.

    BTW...Your blog has great content!

    Cheryl Wyatt

  14. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I would love to win this book. I've had it on my PBS WL for months.

  15. Anonymous11:20 PM

    My email is MConklin2000 at aol

  16. I'd be passing this book onto my sister...she's a serial dater!

    bebemiqui82 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  17. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I have seen this on a few sites. Sounds interesting.

    Count me in.

    blogged ya:

  18. Sounds like an interesting read. Count me in please! Thanks for the opportunity to try.

  19. I just saw this book mentioned somewhere else recently. For the life of me I can't remember, but I'd love another good chiclit book! Please enter me in the contest! Thanks and blessings!

  20. Please may i enter not sure if aussies can but if we can
    ausjenny [at]
    i like the look of this book

  21. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I have never read anything by this author but always love to discover new talent. I would really love to have the oppurtunity to read this book please enter me in the drawing.

  22. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I am not a Chick Lit devourer but do try once in a while.This one sounds like I might get into it! Please enter me.

  23. Anonymous11:52 PM

    sounds like a fun book

  24. Hi, A rather new genre of books for me,also! I am starting to read a few and see what they are like. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks,Cindi

  25. Ooh, I've heard about the book on a review site, and have been wanting to read it!

    I'd love to win it, add me to the drawing!

    detailoring AT gmail DOT com

  26. This looks like a fun book - please enter me...


  27. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Enter me PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! I've been wanting to read this book forever! (Imagine me jumping up and down like a Jack Russell Puppy)


  28. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I woule like to enter:) I have not read this book yet or anything by this author.:) My PBS account name is toryaslim822!


  29. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I'd love to read this book. Please enter me in the drawing. My PBS account name is nolemommy

  30. Anonymous12:53 AM

    this is my first entry to win a book .. i would love to read this :-)
    rachello92 at


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