12 Days of Christmas - Unexpected Blessings
Celebrating the true meaning of the Christmas season, GRPR is proud to introduce to you the twelve days of Christmas. Twelve inspired devotional thoughts written by some of the best and brightest authors in the Christian industry.
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....
The Gift of Unexpected Blessings

God's Gift of Unexpected Blessings
by Angela Hunt
The arrival of our daughter from
And as I look back over the experience, I can’t help thinking of Mary, who must have had such mixed feelings when she held the infant Jesus in her arms. Great joy, for the promised child had arrived. Great responsibility for the fragile life in her care. And great dread for the difficulties and sorrows that would arise.
As a young mother, I knew there would be tough times, and I haven’t been disappointed. But through bad times and good, through loving moments and less-than-loving moments, I can see the hand of God’s sovereignty molding me, my husband, and my children into the people he intends us to be.
Christmas shines brightest in the eyes of children. But it resonates most deeply in the hearts of those who love them.
Angela Hunt
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