Faith 'n Fiction Saturday

My Friend Amy, who brought us Book Blogger Appreciation Week has a new carnival in the works, the Faith 'n Fiction Saturday.

Each week she will post a blogging prompt, which participating bloggers will answer on their own blogs. Then they head back to the original post and sign Mister Linky! This way we can all come to know each other more closely.

Have you ever had the chance to meet any of your favorite Christian authors? What was the experience like? Did you buy a book and get it signed? Were they different than you expected? Which authors would you like the opportunity to meet? Is there anything you would tell them?

I've gotten to meet several authors. I met Christy Barritt and Yvonne Ortega at a signing in Chesapeake last year (Read about it here)

I also got to meet Beth Pattillo, Deeanne Gist, and Shelley Shepard Gray at the Romance Writers of America signing in DC earlier this year. Read about it here.

Sadly that's all the authors I've met. Not too many come to the DC area or the Hampton Roads area which is really weird. I guess they tend to focus on the Nashville area or the Midwest which is where most of the audience is? I don't know. Sometimes I feel like the East Coast is left out when it comes to Christian fiction author signings. Can anyone verify why this is so?

I didn't buy books at the signing because I owned several copies of their books already. I would love to meet Angela Hunt, Susan Meissner, Melody Carlson and most of the authors I already talk to on Twitter in person.

Edited to add: I feel so bad...I spent a WHOLE day in DC hanging out with Tricia Goyer!


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I would imagine that, on the East Coast, many readers may prefer to read literature of universal significance and application. Then the writer must overcome the prejudice against Christianity and convince the reader that this message has the highest universal applicability of all. I have just published a novel, Angela 1: Starting Over, the first in a series of three, which tries to do just that. To learn more, please click on my name and follow the link to my website. I also invite you to view my blog and comment, at Thanks!


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