Value Non Fiction Books from Waterbrook/Multnomah

The Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group introduces 99…times six…practical and up-to-date ways to help families flourish despite present economic challenges, priced at just $5.99 per book. These books are not only timely, but also inexpensive enough to fit into everyone’s tightening budget. Written for families and individuals who are hoping to not only survive but thrive, during tough times. These value-packed, applicable resources offer relevant and reliable insights to endure the current economic downturn, and are sure to appeal to families in all stages of life.

99 Ways to Fight Worry and Stress addresses, with both sensitive empathy and helpful practicality, the emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges that typically accompany tough times. The 99 ways to cope and rise above worry and stress are grouped into categories that include "Lean on Friends," "Guard Your Rest," "Dream a Little," "Find the Humor," "Pursue Healthy Diver,sions," and "Dive Into Truth."

Just because the economy is suffering doesn’t mean relationships have to suffer, too. The Value Non-Fiction Line offers insightful books on love, marriage, relationships and personal growth. At just $6.99, WaterBrook Press is offering readers on the most limited budgets, valuable resources to help them grow and succeed in their personal lives. The Value Non–Fiction Line provides readers with invaluable resources at a low cost, and offers priceless insights to help build meaningful relationship.

Why does the modern-day search for romance so often end in disappointment, especially for women? Is it something we do? Something we don't do? Are we missing important information about the opposite sex—or about ourselves? Is there something wrong with us that we long so desperately for "til death do us part"?

Sadly, many women today see their ongoing singleness as a weakness or lack of worth. In truth, our dreams go unfulfilled not because we do not deserve for them to come true, but often because of wrong assumptions—assumptions that can easily be corrected.
Drawing on both male and female perspectives, this book deals with the hard issues and questions you and other women ponder as you consider how to obtain lasting love. What Women Don't Know (and Men Don't Tell You) will help you adjust your desires, redefine what you are attracted to, set your values in order, and determine your goals—freeing you at last to pursue the loving relationship you desire.


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