South Asian Author Challenge


I have been meaning to sign up for this swap forever from S. Krishna but I had to wait til I went back to my parents' home and see my TBR pile over there to make sure I had the books for the swap! And I do..well at least 2 but I can get more at the library. So this is yet ANOTHER challenge I'm signing up for! And it'll be my last challenge sign up for the year...well until next year at least.

What is the South Asian Author Challenge?

This challenge is to encourage people to read books by South Asian Authors – South Asia being India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Please not that it does not include the Middle East! The books can be from any time period, contemporary or classic. If you want to talk about the challenge on Twitter or tweet your reviews, use the hashtag #saac.

What are the dates of this challenge?

January 1, 2010 – December 31, 2010

What books qualify for the South Asian Author Challenge?

There are two requirements for a book to qualify for the South Asian Author Challenge, both of which must be met:

1) The author must be of South Asian descent. It doesn’t matter if they’re third or fourth generation, or are only half South Asian – I’m pretty flexible on this issue.

2) The book must be about South Asia in some way. It doesn’t have to be set in South Asia, as long as it’s about the culture or history in some way. On the other hand, it can be set in South Asia and not be about South Asians.

How many books do I have to read for the South Asian Author Challenge?

There are four different commitment levels:

3 books

5 books

7 books

10 books

I am signing up for 3 books. I know it's the minimum and I can probably do more but this way at least I know that I will definitely be able to finish the challenge.

To sign up for the swap visit S. Krishna's blog here

I will post here with my books after I am done reading them:

1. Girl Most Likely To by Poonam Sharma

2. Indie Girl by Kavita Daswani

3. Goddess for Hire by Sonia Singh


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