I'm Gonna Be on the Radio!!!

Video killed the radio star....well radio's making a comeback didn't you know?

Nicole from Linus's Blanket has a Blog Talk Radio show called That's How I Blog where she interviews super cool bloggers like Amy from My Friend Amy and Trish from Hey Lady Whatcha Reading. On the show she chats with the bloggers about how they started blogging, their favorite books, what they enjoy best/worst about being a blogger, all sorts of stuff.

My show will be next Tuesday 12/22 at 8pm EST. I know that it's the holiday season and things might be a bit rushed and hectic but if you do have the time, please stop in and listen. I'll try to sound somewhat charming and I might even throw out some Star Wars trivia. You can call in and ask me a question if you want to, or you can email Nicole your burning questions that you've always wanted to ask me.

The book we'll be discussing during the book club portion of the show will be Boneman's Daughters by Ted Dekker, one of my favorite reads of 2009.

I'm really nervous about this but also super excited at the same time. If you're a fan of blog and my reviews, now you'll have a chance to hear what I really sound like! Let's just hope I sound somewhat intelligent!

Remember TUESDAY, December 22, 8pm EST. Listen HERE. BE THERE!


  1. I'm glad you're scheduled for 8 instead of 9 - that works better for me. I've got it on my calendar!

  2. I'll be there! Oldest son may even call in with a few Star Wars questions for you :)


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