Book Review: "A Dream to Call My Own" by Tracie Peterson
Enter Dave Shepard, deputy sheriff for the area. Dave has been fervently trying to find the man who killed George Gallatin, but he always feels inadequate when it comes to the beautiful Lacy. When they are together, the tension crackles between them--both when they argue and when they kiss. Lacy finds him frustratingly irresistible but is it truly love?
The final book of the Brides of Gallatin brings an end to the series of these three sisters. It's finally time to tell Lacy's tale and see the struggles she's felt since the day her father died. She's been handling everything alone and keeping it from her sisters. Honestly I just really could not get into this story. I enjoyed it for an easy afternoon read but I didn't really moved or inspired by it. There were times when I got frustrated with the characters and their actions. I have never been a fan of Cubby since the first book and this book only solidifies my reasons. Even though Lacy is very able to take care of herself, she's very stubborn and extremely strong willed. I'm not saying that she needed a man to look out for her, but being on her own is not the best for her as she does not make smart decisions. I really didn't feel chemistry between her and Dave. It's too much of the "oh I shouldn't have done that" after a kiss type of deal which I loathe. Also the historical aspect of the book is downplayed. The story just takes places back in the day, any historical events are not really a factor in the book.To be honest, I really did not think this was Tracie's best series. The characters didn't really stick with me and I never really felt like I could get into the story. There's a lot of stereotypes of women and the West in general that take place in this book. Also the storyline seemed very predictable and sometimes a bit too unbelievable. I felt like I knew what was going to happen as soon as I started reading. That being said though, I did enjoy this book because I always enjoy Tracie's books. Even with its faults, it still makes for comfort reading because I know I'm going to be in for a good story. The novel might have had its faults but it does make for a good read. I just hope that future books will be a bit more enlightening!
A Dream to Call My Own by Tracie Peterson is published by Bethany House (2009)
This review copy was provided by the publisher
I'm still working my way through this book. I know what you mean about comfort reads even when the author misses.