Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2009 - Day 1

Today marks the first full day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week. It's going to be an exciting time where we recognize and honor our fellow book bloggers! Of course not every blog could make the shortlists for the BBAW awards and while there are MANY great blogs that made there, there were others that didn't. Today I want to talk about some of my favorite blogs that didn't make the lists.

Relz Reviews - Rel was one of my first blogger friends when I first started blogging way back in the day. Her site is a gem when it comes to Christian fiction, with her reviews, interviews, and spotlights. She does really comprehensive author interviews especially when her book club is able to talk to the author on the phone. This is no small feat because they are located in Australia so the author usually has to wake up early in the morning to call! Rel also has a wonderful series on character spotlights where she and the author write out biographies to flesh out the main characters of their books, complete with pictures and background stories. She just started a new weekly series where authors share their favorite recipes. TBH I'm really surprised Rel's blog didn't make the top 5 as it is one of the most informative blogs on Christian fiction.

Anne & May - this is the blog of chick lit and YA authors Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt. I've been a huge fan of their books from the beginning and was searching for something to tide me over while I was waiting for their next book. Well their blog is equally as funny as their books. The two tell things like it is and aren't afraid to touch taboo subjects. A favorite series of their that I enjoy is their This Week in God feature where they scout the news, web and popular culture to see what everyone is saying about him. Also of great interest is their collection of cheesy Jesus art. The best part about their blog is how they connect to readers as they will always reply back in comments and have conversations with you. Even if you haven't read their books yet, stopping by their blog is a must.

Jane Austen Today - I just discovered this blog a few months ago and I'm a huge fan. This blog is great for all Jane Austen addicts as it goes into the subject as to how we see Jane Austen today in movies, sequels, and popular culture. There is regular talk about the influence Austen had made and how she seeps into modern society. One of my favorite features is the Movie Throwdown where a poll is made and you have to choose between which scene, character, costumes, etc from a Jane Austen movie (a popular one is which Darcy is your favorite - and not as clear cut as one might have thought).

Girls Write Out - is the collaborative blog between authors Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, Colleen Coble and Denise Hunter. These four gals blog daily about their lives as authors, pop culture, their family lives and whatever else they can think of. I've been a fan of their blog for years because I'm a fan of their books. However they have really funny, thought provoking and informative posts that keep you wanting more. They are very interactive with their posts and love their readers.

Forensics and Faith
- is the blog of author
Brandilynn Collins. This is one of the most extensive author blogs I've read. Brandilynn has shared a great amount of info about the Christian fiction publishing industry from how to publicize your manuscript to dealing with reviews to connecting with readers. She also gives great insight into the writing and process of her own books as well as others in the genre. She really connects with her readers as well, and gets their input to what goes on in her books.

Booktalk and more
- Ruth runs this blog and it's one I've been frequenting since my early days of blogging. In addition to her extensive Christian fiction reviews, Ruth always reviews classic movies, my favorite kind of geek movies (she's a big Harry Potter and James Bond fan too!) and British shows and movies. She's been crucial in my discovering British movies and TV shows. I go to her whenever I need to find Masterpiece and Mystery shows for my parents and her recommendations are spot on. I can always rely on her impeccable taste!

There are of course MORE blogs that I enjoy and read that I couldn't mention here. You guys are all awesome and I enjoy reading every one of you!


  1. I don't know any of those. I will definitely go visit them. Thanks for the shout out!

    BBAW: My very own shortlist

  2. Nice list and nice descriptions. More new blogs....

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I have never seen any of this either, which is great. More new blogs to check out. Happy BBAW!

  4. Thanks (I think)! These are all new to me! My Reader's going to explode today!

  5. That Austen one sounds especially interesting - thanks for this list, I'll check these blogs out!

  6. Oh wow! What an awesome surprise. Thank you for the shout-out!

    We love you too, Deborah. We love your wicked sense of humor, your sharp reviewer's eye, and, of course, your love of Star Wars.

  7. Great introductions, thanks so much!

    Enjoy the BBAW festivities :)

  8. Girl, what an awesome surprise to get featured like this, thank you so much!!! You just made my day!! :)

  9. Several of these are new-to-me, thanks so much for the list, Deborah!

    Best wishes for an awesome BBAW,

  10. Hey Deb - you are a sweetie :) Thanks for the support. And you too, Cee Cee!

    I love Brandilyn's blog and Girls Write Out, too and, of course, Books, Movies and Chinese Food!


  11. I love Ruth's blog, too! She's a sweetheart. :)


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