BBAW Please Vote

I was so thrilled to wake up this morning and found out that I had made the shortlist for Best Cultural Review blog for the BBAW awards. This was a huge shock for me and I want to thank everyone who had nominated me! If you have time please go here and vote at this link, not just for me but for all the other blogs that have been nominated:

Here are some blog posts where I have specifically focused on cultural reviews:

Diversity (or lack of) in Christian Fiction

My Life as an Asian American Part 1

My Life as an Asian American Part 2

Book Review of The Fruit of My Lipstick by Shelley Adina


  1. Congratulations on making the shortlist!

  2. Congratulations - Deborah. I have voted.

  3. You got my vote, Deborah! Congrats on making the list! :o)

  4. Congratulations on your short list nomination!


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