Bloggiesta Mini Challenge: Elevator Pitches

Welcome to one of the mini challenges for the Blogggiesta! At this stop, we're learning about elevator pitches.

What is an Elevator Pitch?

“An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be delivered in the time span of an elevator ride (for

example, thirty seconds or 100-150 words).” - Wikipedia

Elevator Pitches for Bloggers

While the idea of an elevator pitch is usually something that start up entrepreneurs are encouraged to do when looking for investors - developing an elevator pitch for your blog is also a smart move also.

One of the most important reasons to do this exercise is that to develop an elevator pitch YOU as a blogger to have thought through and crystallised in your mind what your blog is about.

If you’re fuzzy on what your blog is about it’s unlikely than anyone else will have much of an idea either.

Knowing what your blog is about helps you in developing every aspect of it including:

  • Writing Content
  • Promotion and Finding Readers
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Networking with other Bloggers
  • Branding
  • Design…. the list can go on.
For more info check out this article on writing Elevator Pitches and how it can help out you and your blog.

For this mini challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to leave a comment with your newly crafted elevator pitch.

Doing so will make you eligible for publisher sponsored giveaways at the end of the bloggiesta.

Good luck!


  1. I thought about this when I completed the ProBlogger 31DBBB. Here's mine:

    Reading Upside Down - Looking at Books in the Land Down Under. Two Australian 30-something women chatting about book related topics and reviewing great books from Australia and around the world.

  2. Jenn's Bookshelf-a busy, full-time working mom reviews books of all genres for the average reader. I enjoy discovering new authors and sharing them with the reading public.

  3. Thanks Deborah for a great challenge!

  4. Great challenge! I thought I knew what my blog is, but it continues to amaze me now and again. Have to think about this.

  5. Heidenkind's Hideaway contains essays and reviews related to all things in arts and culture--food, art, books, movies, television, et cetera.

    Huh. I'm not sure I like that, since it makes my blog sound way more hoity-toity than it is. =/ How about...

    Heidenkind's Hideaway is where I have fun talking about books, movies, art, food, television, and anything else related to art and culture.

    That's better. :)

  6. Oh goodness. I'm horrible at these sort of things. However, I gave it a shot!

    Melanie’s Musings is the place where one teenage girl talks about her journey with books new and old, YA and Adult. With both book reviews and contests, it’s definitely a place to check out!

  7. Wow, what a great challenge. I am not participating in the bloggiesta, but I think I will give this some thought.

  8. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I'm not offially participating in the challenge (I just heard about it), but I'm doing some of the mini-challenges anyway--hope that's okay.

    Bend in the Road discusses and reviews realistic fiction (of the juvenile fiction variety) and relating them with my life.


  9. BookWorming in the 21st Century is where a middle school librarian discusses her current young adult reads, which she reads for both fun and work.

  10. So I totally wasn't going to do this challenge, and then I stumbled across my pitch by pure accident while working on something else. Funny how these things have a mind of their own! :-)

    The Shady Glade is a restful place to stop by, talk about YA lit, read some reviews, add in your two cents, and win free books. If you're looking for a place that celebrates young adult and children's literature, you've found it!

  11. My Own Little Corner of the World is about just that...the goings on in my little corner of the world. When you come into my corner, you will read about book reviews, my love of hockey, my family, and what I'm doing to help myself live a healthier life.

    Thanks for this activity. I hope it will help to make me into a better blogger!


  12. Mine is: continuing adventures of a true bookaholic....

    I go on to say that my blog revolves around all things bookie - my book club, book adventures, reading,, reviewing, sales, etc...

    Thanks for the fun challenge!

  13. Bloody Bad is a blog about books, book reviews and current book related news I find note worthy from classics to hot off the presses.

  14. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Book, Line, and Sinker: Come on over and discuss bookish things, read some reviews, win some goodies, and waste some time! Get REELED in!

    that was fun! thanks. :)
    nat @ BLS

  15. Focusing mainly on YA fantasy and the occasional MG and adult books, LiyanaLand! is a place where I yap about books which I love and think you should read. Because it's very relaxing to rant about books once in a while, dontcha think?

  16. Oh, that's my pitch. ;) I'm surprised to realise how much my blog has and hasn't evolved while doing this! :D

  17. KCBOOKS: From Mom to Author & Everything in Between. A blog that looks at the humorous mess in between the titles of Mom and Author. A meeting place for all busy parents, aspiring writers, and published authors.

    Great mini challenge. Thanks! I do some reviews but think Bloggiesta is a great way for any blogger to get their blog in gear.

  18. Hm...

    One Librarian's Book Reviews are my own opinions about the books I read with ratings for swearing, mature romantic garbage (mrg), and violence - to let parents, teens, and anyone else interested what is inside that book cover.

  19. Obviously didn't even read that one through carefully. I meant "to let parents, teens, and anyone else interested know what is inside that book cover."

  20. This is a really great mini challenge!

    Ashley's Library is full of book reviews and anything else book related. It's a blog where I reveal my feelings about each book that I read and ask readers to reveal their opinions as well. Ashley's Library also strives to share new authors with new readers.

  21. Honestly I think for now I'm just sticking with "Confessions of a Book Habitue. Book reviews in a wide variety of genres!"

    More of a tag line maybe, but I like it.

  22. This was a good mini challenge! This is what I've come up with... but I may end up changing it again. :-)

    This cozy spot is where I will share thoughts, reviews, and ideas on books. I hope you will join in on the conversation. Of course, my 2 chocolate labs will probably pop in from time to time. Make room on the couch for them!

  23. Hi Deborah,
    Great idea, I had to stop and think about this one. But I got one, don't know if it's any good but here goes.

    My Elevator Pitch

    My Place, Just Books, has something for everyone. I read all kinds of books, Young Adult, Mystery, Classic, and everything in between. Every once in a while you'll find some personal stuff that I like!

    I have posted this challenge at my place, Just Books. Have a great day!!


  24. I probably need to tweak it a bit, but here's mine:

    "The 3 R's: Reading, 'Riting, and Randomness associates with book blogs and mom blogs, but it's not entirely one or the other, and it's a little more than both. It has book reviews and discussion, personal essays, commentary on social issues and popular culture, and the occasional "stuff I (or my family, or my dog) did" post. Hopefully, you'll find something that interests you in a mix like that.

    Thanks for the mini-challenge! I've needed to do something like this, but I've been procrastinating :-).

  25. Anonymous6:13 PM

    My blog is about the world of freelancing (article writing, editing, copywriting, and ghostwriting) and my efforts to write for enjoyment (short stories and novels).

  26. Oh these are great!

    Mine is: Passion for the Page is a place for me to indulge in my compulsion to read, talk about, and promote great books of all genres.

  27. Anonymous9:15 PM

    AnimeGirl's Bookshelf is all about book loving with reviews, news and gossip from the book world and some random book talk, all focused on Young Adult and Romance Novels.

    I think it's longer than it should be but it's the best I could come up with.

    Great challenge!

  28. Great idea. Here's mine:

    "Fresh Ink Books recommends a wide variety of the best in literary fiction. If I can't give a novel at least four stars out of five, I say don't waste your time. No in-depth reviews that give away too much of the story. Just a little background and an honest rating of the writing and the enjoyment that a book gave me. I do provide details about a book to anyone who asks. And I welcome recommendations from my readers."

    Thank you

  29. My "about this blog" info goes like this:
    Blatherings about romance books and authors I love, occasionally joined by my friend O'Donovan.

    Discussion is not limited to the hero, nor to romances with specifically alpha heroes -- anything about romantic fiction is fair game.

    My introductory post gives more detail on what it's all about. The one thing we really try to do is not to give spoilers.
    Even more succinctly, and slightly less casually, I have some bookmarks that say:

    Alpha Heroes, and the women who love them: Reviews and musings on the Romance Genre

  30. Alright, mine reads, "Do you haiku? Come share the experience, and read some book reviews too!"
    That is under my Blog title, and I also have a About me section.

    That was fun!

  31. is your up to the minute starred review source for teen reads. Current and more than just reviews. Bookalicious hosts a variety of topics. Interviews, contests, book gossip, ereader frenzies and more. Stop by and rate your favorite books today!

  32. A fantastic little minichallenge! Thanks for providing this. It's a nice way to tour others' blogs along the way, too.

    Mine: "At Mama Librarian, I read and review books with my three (now almost four!) year old daughter, comment on tidbits from the kidlitosphere, and discuss all things related to children's literature."

  33. I have had one (without realising it) in my About Me section, but I have now reviewed it and changed it just a little. This is it now:

    My adventures through time and place, all without leaving the pages of my book. Reading is what I do to relax and escape, and talking about reading is my favourite hobby. You might find me immersed in historical fiction or romance, young adult, a mystery or a fantasy, but you can be sure that whereever I am, I will have a book with me!

  34. Quick little elevator pitch. (Short, but effective -- like me!)

    Rock-star young adult librarian blogging about young adult books. Expect book reviews, library musings, and special features at "Read What You Know."

  35. By Book or By Crook is the musings of a book lover who reads by any means necessary and wants to share her love of books- and opinions on them with others.

    aksimmo at brainerd dot net

  36. Ok...mine is done. spreading the love of literature...and dirty vampires.

  37. Anonymous8:59 PM

    In the Shadow of Mt. TBR is a fun and informative blog where The Kool-Aid Mom reviews books, posts humorous memes, occasionally rants, and has fits of ADD randomness. Come on over and sit a spell in the shade, have a good laugh and contiue on your Web-browsing journey feeling refreshed!

  38. Nomadreader is the blog of an aspiring writer and future librarian who loves to travel and always has a book with her. Here she offers thoughtful opinions and reviews on books, movies and tv shows.

  39. 1330v is one raeder's ongoing conversations about books, reading, and literacy issues. Every week features an original book-related essay and new reviews of books from a variety of genres and age groups.

  40. Just revisiting the Bloggiesta past and I remember this one was huge for me. At the time I was a fairly new blogger....

    Now I would say my pitch is:

    One Persons Journey Through A World Of Books: Traveling through books of many genres. One person shares her passion for books, authors, occasionally chocolate, and all things bookish!

  41. I began my blog as a way to hold myself accountable for daily writing. Moonbeam A Musings is a record of my journey as a writer and as a person. I'd love to have others join me in the adventure.

  42. I'm a children's librarian in Southern California, gamely trying to keep up with all the wonderful new things being published each spring and fall... they write books faster than I can read them!

  43. Savvy Verse & Wit is a blog dedicated to online reviews from a writer's perspective on a wide range of genres with a particular focus on YA, literary and contemporary fiction, fantasy, and poetry. The blog also features author interviews and guest posts, as well as giveaways to promote some of the best books on the market.

  44. Here we elevator pitch that needs revising :)

    Blog Elevator Pitch:

    Where do readers go to connect, to hear reviews, and to form book clubs online? Girls Gone Reading of course! Girls Gone Reading fills a niche that no other book club does by connecting readers in every way possible.

  45. I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read! is a book blog where I do reviews on all young adult books, and adult paranormal/fantasy, and chick lit. I do author interviews, giveaways, guest posts, and book tours.

  46. Wow these are some great pitches, and quite a challenge for me.

    Here is what I came up with...

    Eating YA Books is a book blog where I share my voracious appetite for reading. Reviews of young adult and middle school novels are my main course flavored with a variety of spices that include a sprinkling of the book blogging community, a pinch of author interviews, and a dollop of discussion topics all served up to provide a feast for hungry readers of all ages and tastes.

  47. Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing- Where we talk about books, and are just, well, amazing!

  48. Books need readers to bring them to life! The mission of Erin Reads is to do just that. Erin Reads is both my reading journal and a way for me to make reading a communal activity. I share my thoughts on books, both old and new, in print, on audio, and as ebooks and encourage readers to do the same.

    Whew, that's kind of hard! I'm going to have to tweak the wording a bit, but all the ideas are there. Thanks for pushing me to start considering this!

  49. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Thanks for this great Mini-challenge. I have an About Me & About Thirty sections and a tagline, but I was missing a good short description. Here it is:

    "ThirtyCreativeStudio is a bilingual site about creative writing, book reviews, Puerto Rican stories and current news with a Latin flavor."

  50. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Bethslistlove is primarily a book review site in which I review books I am reading from several lists of great literature: 1001 Books You Should Read Before You Die, Orange Prize winners and short list, Pulitzer Prize winners, Booker Prize winners, and Nobel literature winners. I'm also trying to read from at least 52 countries this year, so it is definitely World Lit!


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