Book Review: "The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out" by Neta Jackson

Deck the Halls with Yada Yada

From Thanksgiving and Christmas to rolling in the New Year, the Yada Yadas are "decked out" to celebrate the holidays!

Turkey dinners, tree trimming, and decking the halls--it's that time of year again! And I, Jodi Baxter, can't wait to celebrate. My kids are coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then all of us Yadas are getting decked out for a big New Year's party.

But God's idea of "decked out" might just change the nature of our party plans. A perplexing encounter with a former student, a crime that literally knocks me off my feet, a hurry-up wedding, and a child who will forever change our's times like these that I really need my prayer sisters.

This holiday season, we Yada Yadas are learning that no one can out-celebrate God. So let's get this party started!

The Yada Yada Prayer Group books have been one of my favorite women's fiction series to read. They feature realistic women who handle situations just like the everyday women. This series features the most diverse cast of characters I have ever read in a Christian fiction book. There are no stereotypes at all, each culture is handled with respect and insight. I always feel like I can relate to someone in every book and this one was no exception. I was glad to see everyone reunited in this book. With such a big cast of characters its hard to give a lot of time to everyone but it was still nice to see all the women together again. Jodi is still the narrator of these books and she's the everywoman of the series. There are probably tons of readers who could totally relate with her in almost every situation in this book. But she has really matured throughout the series, both spiritually and emotionally. I will admit that in the beginning of the series she did annoy me at times but now I've grown quite fond of her. Her reactions to the holiday season and all the other events are probably how I myself would have acted. There's so many events that take place in this book therefore my only complaint was that it was shorter than the rest of the other books in the series so the story felt a little rushed at times. Luckily there is a spin off series, The Yada Yada House with the first book Where Do I Go? having been published recently. I'm so glad because it means I won't have to say goodbye to these beloved characters. I think everyone should read this series, but they must be read in sequence in order to get the full gist of the story. And I also love the cover of this one, I think these shoes are the best of the series!

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out by Neta Jackson is published by Thomas Nelson (2007)


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hi Deborah! Thanks for the nice review of YYPG Gets Decked Out! I appreciate the kind things you said about the series. I hope you enjoy the Yada Yada House of Hope series just as much! (And my husband has started a PARALLEL series, the Yada Yada Brothers--the first book is Harry Bentley's Second Chance and runs concurrent with the first book in my new series (Where Do I Go?). We hope readers will have as much fun reading these two books together as we did writing them! (Though it was a challenge using many of the same characters, and even some of the same events, but telling two different stories from different points of view.) You can read more about it on our web site: (and that's how you can order Harry Bentley, too).

    Thanks again!

    Neta Jackson
    Author, the Yada Yada novels


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