Fall Reading Challenge 2008


Well it's that time of the year again! Katrina at Callapidder Days is issuing out the command to get our reading lists out and done!
"As a quick refresher, the purpose of this challenge is for us to establish some goals for our reading this Fall and then work toward them. Whether you have a pile of books that you've been intending to read but just haven't yet, or you need a gentle prod to finish some books that you started but then abandoned, or you would just like a little accountability as you work through your reading stack, this is the place for you. Whether you're reading for fun, reading to learn, reading to be inspired, or reading to your kids, you are welcome here!"

So without further adieu is here is my list for the challenge! . Note: These are all my library books, which means these MUST be read by the end of the challenge or face the wrath of fines! I haven't listed books I own because I don't know if I'll get around to them, but they might pop up at the end of the challenge on my list.

Christian Fiction

  1. The Outsider by Ann H. Gabhart
  2. A Steadfast Surrender by Nancy Moser
  3. The Strength of His Hand by Lynn Austin
  4. Among the Gods by Lynn Austin
  5. Sinner by Ted Dekker
  6. My Son, the Savior by Melody Carlson
  7. An Irish Christmas by Melody Carlson
  8. The Gift of Christmas Present by Melody Carlson
  9. Angels in the Snow by Melody Carlson
  10. The Blessed by Lisa T. Bergren
  11. Rhythms of Grace by Marilynn Griffith
  12. The Other Side of Darkness by Melody Carlson
  13. An Unexpected Love by Tracie Peterson and Judith Miller

YA Fiction

  1. A Not So Simple Life by Melody Carlson
  2. Massie by Lisi Harrison
  3. Dylan by Lisi Harrison
  4. Alicia by Lisi Harrison
  5. Kristen by Lisi Harrison

18 books, my smallest challenge ever. And I highly doubt I will get to match the 50 + books I read during the spring, thanks to grad school and wedding planning. But we shall see!

*ETA: My one time update to the list. Just came back from the library to pick up some holds!


  1. Well I think grad school and wedding planning are pretty good excuses to only do 15 books. :v)

    I love Lynn Austin books but haven't read those ones yet either. And Melody Carlson is great. I've been meaning to read the Irish Christmas one,too! Happy reading!

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Love Lynn Austin and Nancy Moser. And I think Sinner must be on everyone's list this fall!

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The Strength of His Hands and Among the Gods by Lynn Austin are among my all-time favorite books. That woman can write!

    I love your book choices adding a few new ones to my post Fall reading list!

  4. Looks like a good list, Deborah! I really like Melody Carlson, and I should have added one of her Christmas books to my list. Hmm... I might have to sneak one in anyway. :)

    Enjoy your fall reading!

  5. Great List! And yeah, I guess you do like Melody Carlson! You know, your list has me a lil ashamed of my tiny one.

  6. I've read a few by Melody Carlson and enjoy her too! Good idea on putting some Christmasy books on the list, wish I'd thought of that!

  7. That looks like a great list. You have a couple that I really enjoyed :-) Have fun reading this fall!

  8. I read the first three books in the Gods & Kings Lynn Austin series, but I didn't read the last two. I really love all your other fiction selections too. Enjoy!

    ~ Kayren

  9. All my books for Fall Into Reading are library books as well!

  10. I'm joining the challenge this time. My list is

    I'm looking forward to the Lynn Austin too.

  11. I love your blog. It is very informative and very helpful to me. I am new to christian fiction and have learnd a lot from your list of which authors to look for. Thank You
    PBS stargazer4

  12. I had never read Melody Carlson until this year, but have enjoyed what I've read of hers so far - after seeing your list I'm thinking I need to check out some more of her stuff!


  13. I saw that you entered to win Starbucks Gift Card and thought you might like my giveaway too!

    We are giving away 1 lb of Gourmet Coffee (or Chai Tea) every Friday. Stop by and enter:


    -Meaghan @ Get The Bean

  14. Girl you are just flying through this challenge. I need to catch up! Wow! By the way...I tagged you for 7 Random Bookish Things About Me. You are definitely Bookish in the good way. :) And you are one of my fave blog reads. :)




  15. Wow! Your list is almost done! Way to go!

  16. As usual I was overly ambitious in my list but I've learned to expect that after last year doing FIR.

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