Fatal Deduction by Gayle Roper and Book Giveaway!

I'm giving away a brand new copy of today's book Fatal Deduction by Gayle Roper! Leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you win. I'll pick a name and announce the winner on Tuesday, June 10. US readers only. Good luck!

Libby Burton longs to be close to her twin sister, Tori, but their lives have taken them in different directions. Forced to share Aunt Stella’s old Philadelphia home in order to receive their inheritance, Libby hopes for a change, but it isn’t looking good so far.

First, Tori tries to steal the affection and allegiance of Libby’s thirteen-year-old daughter, Chloe. Then when a crossword puzzle with a hidden warning shows up on their doorstep, Tori refuses to take it seriously—in spite of the dead man who delivers it.

Libby finds comfort in neighbor Drew Canfield, but he hesitates to trust her after his disastrous marriage. As Libby struggles to act faithfully in the midst of these confusing relationships, she must also deal with a stolen diamond and a botched kidnapping. The answer to her problems lies in the riddles of the crosswords, if only she can solve the puzzle before it’s too late.

Gayle Roper has been writing mystery and romantic suspense novels for more than thirty years and is the author of over forty-five books. She is a three-time Christy Award finalist, the winner of three Holt Medallions, and the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from Romantic Times magazine. Her novel Autumn Dreams won Romance Writers of America’s RITA Award for Best Inspirational Romance. She and her husband, Chuck, divide their time between Pennsylvania and Ontario, Canada.


  1. Hey, I love Gayle Roper's books. She's a terrific writier and I'd love to win this one.

    marthalrogers at sbcglobal dot net

  2. Hey Deborah, Gayle Roper is a new author for me and this sounds like a great book. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks! Andie

  3. I would love to read Gayle's book. I've loved the others by her.


    vernetlh at yahoo dot com

  4. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Sounds like another good one - I'd love to read it!

    ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com :-)

  5. I've always enjoyed Gayle Roper's books....put my name in the hat, too, please! :o)

    orca0024 at yahoo dot com

  6. Anonymous12:53 AM

    sounds like an exciting book!

  7. I know it's impossible that I'll win two drawings in a row, but I really want to read this book. I haven't been so interested in a book all year long. So I'm crossing my fingers and saying a prayer.



  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Gayle Roper is a new author this me and this book sounds very good. Please enter me in the drawing.


  9. Please enter me in the drawing. Sounds terrific.
    happyendings at roadrunner dot com

  10. Gayle Roper is a fantastic author. I just read her Merrileigh Kramer books for the first time and really enjoyed them. I have "Fatal Deduction" requested at the library, but it would be great to have my own copy and not have to wait until it becomes available!
    Thank you for the giveaway!
    jimmynmatthewsmom [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Please enter me in your contest to win a copy of Gayle's new book. It sounds absolutely wonderful! Thank you. Dawn dmthomason13@hotmail.com

  12. Sounds like just about everything goes wrong that possibly could! Enter me in please.


  13. This book sound quite interesting. I look forward to reading it. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks, TK. vcw1476(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. Gayle is a wonderful writer! I enjoy reading murder suspense books. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  15. This sounds like a good book. Please enter me in the drawing.


  16. I've never read anything by Gayle Roper but this one sounds too good to pass up. Thanks, Lenda FR

  17. I've enjoyed several of Gayle's books and would love to read this one also. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  18. Anonymous12:49 PM

    sounds like a great read!!!


  19. I have never read this author, and I am intrigued by the idea of "a crossword puzzle with a hidden warning," so please enter my name!


  20. I would love to win this book. Please include me in this drawing.
    runninmama at scbglobal dot net

  21. Fatal Deduction sounds like a wonderful read.
    Please enter my name.

  22. I already have a copy of Gayle's book, so please remove my name and give the others a better chance. Thanks...I'll be back!

  23. Hi Deborah, I've never heard of this author and her books sounds fantastic! Please enter me into the contest!


    mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

  24. Count me in! I have never read any of her books, this one interests me.
    cmrobin at bellsouth dot net

  25. I enjoy Gayle's books and this one sounds great.

  26. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Did I make it in time for the contest? I love Gayle's writing and would love to read the book.

    sallybradleywrites AT gmail DOT com


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