Spring Reading Thing Wrap Up

Well it finally has happened. After almost 5 years of completing every one of Katrina's reading challenges, I have failed to complete this one.

Out of the 49 books I said I was going to read during this challenge, I failed to read 8 of them. I can explain this. The books I chose were the books I had scheduled to read for review back in March when the challenge started. I thought that I would be able to read all the books in time since they were scheduled to be reviewed. What I didn't count on was all the other review books that would come in during that time that needed to be reviewed before reading all those books, ie blog tours.

That being said, I did read an additional 35 books bringing my final total to 76 books in 3 months. These books were either additional review books, books I owned or the scant few that I did check out from the library.

Christian Fiction

Blood Ransom by Lisa Harris
To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer
Blood Covenant by Lisa Harris

An Unlikely Suitor by Nancy Moser

Hidden Affections by Delia Parr
Point of No Return by Susan May Warren
Mission: Out of Control by Susan May Warren
Undercover Pursuit by Susan May Warren
A Killer Among Us by Lynette Eason
The Fine Art of Insincerity by Angela Hunt
Hope Rekindled by Tracie Peterson
A Great Catch by Lorna Seilstad
A Reluctant Queen by Joan Wolf
My Foolish Heart by Susan May Warren
The Lady of Bolton Hill by Elizabeth Camden
Spring for Susannah by Catherine Richmond
Chasing Sunsets by Eva Marie Everson
False Witness by Randy Singer

Chick Lit

Ex-Girlfriends United by Matt Dunn

Contemporary Women's Fiction

The Provence Cure for the Brokenhearted by Bridget Asher
Semi-Sweet by Roisin Meaney
The Art of Forgetting by Camille Noe Pagan


The Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker
Super in the City by Daphne Uviller
Hotel No Tell by Daphne Uviller

Christian Non Fiction

The Fitting Room by Kelly Minter


Wish You Were Here by Phillipa Ashley


Matched by Ally Condie
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
There's No Place Like Home by Jen Calonita
Rival by Sara Bennett Wealer
Instructions for a Broken Heart by Kim Culbertson
Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt
Dark Water by Laura McNeal
Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard

What was the best book you read this spring? I have to go with three books - Ex Girlfriends United because it was so freaking funny and then 2 memoirs, Big in China and The Wilder Life because they were just written so well.

What book could you have done without? A Reluctant Queen. I normally love Biblical fiction but I had problems with how much was changed in the story and then other readers insisting that it was still true to the Bible.

Did you try out a new author this spring? If so, which one, and will you be reading that author again? Tons. For example am really hoping that Roisin Meaney's other books will be published in the US soon.

If there were books you didn't finish, tell us why. Did you run out of time? Realize those books weren't worth it? Explained above!

Did you come across a book or two on other participants' lists that you're planning to add to your own to-be-read pile? Which ones? Well to be honest, I barely remember anyone else's list since mine was already so big!

What did you learn -- about anything -- through this challenge? Maybe you learned something about yourself or your reading style, maybe you learned not to pick so many nonfiction books for a challenge, maybe you learned something from a book you read. Whatever it is, share! Yeah..don't think that your schedule will stick. It will always keep changing.

What was the best part of the Spring Reading Challenge? Just being able to read. Even with work and a busier schedule, I still always make time to read.

Would you be interested in participating in another reading challenge this spring? Of course!

Any other thoughts, impressions, or comments. Thanks for hosting this Katrina!!!! Can't wait til fall!


  1. All I can say is WOW! That is a fantastic accomplishment to read that many books over three months. How on earth do you fit it all in?

  2. The amount you get through is always amazing to me. I love how varied your list is too.

  3. In my opinion, you completed the challenge!

  4. I'm impressed that you are able to predict so well. I gave up on that, because of the unpredictability of book review deadlines, but I did make some personal deadlines which I sort of met.

  5. Oh my, I am in awe. 76 books!!! Not sure I do that in a year. Congratulations on what you did finish.

  6. You hold yourself to a high standard, but in my opinion, reading 76 books is very, very far from failure! Nice job! And I hear you about changing schedules and plans -- that seems to be a given. Thanks for being part of SRT '11!

  7. I too found it difficult to stick to my original list. It did seem like I suddenly got more review books in than usual. I am getting ready to read "A Reluctant Queen". I've heard both good and bad about it so I will see. You did an awesome job on this challenge. I look forward to seeing what you read in the fall.

  8. Amazing! I am totally impressed that you read so many books. I agree on The Wilder Life - it was a lot of fun. :)


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