Book Review: "She Always Wore Red" by Angela Hunt

Angela Hunt's Best Work Ever

Jennifer Graham has now started to settle down in Mt Dora and in the Fairlawn Funeral Home. She's even started to take embalming classes to help out with the business. However just when she thinks life is quieting down, she meets a newcomer in the town with a startling revelation that changes her life. With this new information, Jennifer vows to help out McLane while her husband is overseas. Meanwhile McLane's father is trying to find her, and bring her back to him. When Jennifer finds out the reasons why McLane left her father, it shakes up her world and her way of thinking.

When reading an Angela Hunt book, one must be prepared for two things. The first is that the reader will be entertained with quirky characters, intriguing plot lines and snappy dialogue. The second is that the reader will come away completely blown away by what they have just finished reading. Their thought process will have changed by the story and one starts seeing things in a whole different light. It's interesting to note that the publishers decided to change the covers of the series from a light, whimsical feel to a more serious, somber emotion. That's exactly how this second story comes off as compared to the first book in the series. There are so many topics dealt in this book that are still uncomfortable to discuss among Christians these days. Many of these topics we would rather not bring up, yet the author shows how they must be discussed and not hidden away. The scene that stuck out most to me in this story was during the meal where Jennifer and her mom realize that being "colorblind" is not necessarily the best way to be. This scene really made me think about that statement and what it truly means in today's world. However, while the overall tone of the book is serious, there are still rays of humor sprinkled throughout the book. The double funeral scene is a favorite. One is also allowed to still feel squeamish especially when Jennifer performs her embalming duties. It's a wonderfully written book that's just blends all of these elements together perfectly. This book is a keeper one that you can't put down.

And so I declare this to be the best Angela Hunt book I have EVER read (and I've read them all!) I have high hopes for the third book in the series. VERY highly recommended.

She Always Wore Red by Angela Hunt is published by Tyndale (2008)


  1. Excellent writer, isn't she! Loved this one. My review will be up on the 10th.

  2. Thank you, Deborah! You are too kind. :-)


  3. I recently read "Doesn't She Look Natural?" and loved it. Interesting characters and themes, good lessons. I look forward to spending more time in this small Florida town.


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