Review Database is Live!

Yes the myth is now finally true. After YEARS of speculation, I have FINALLY created a review database! I shouldn't have waited so long because do you know how long it took me to link up 785 reviews? (a long time). I'm very happy to have this done because now when people visit my blog they should be able to find reviews more easily and I hope by segregating them by genre, this helps out people who are looking for new reads but don't know authors or publishers.

I will try to update the database weekly but at the very least monthly. Reviews are sorted by genre (with Christian fiction and general market books clearly marked) and then in alphabetical order by author. If you notice any errors or have any questions/suggestions please feel free to contact me.


  1. Woo-hoo, congrats! If I'd waited till I had that many reviews I doubt I ever would've gotten index pages completed! ;) LOL!

  2. I appreciate your willingness to delineate within the genre. I like being able to search for exactly what I want.

  3. Absolutely awesome!!! I will be using it. Your hard work is appreciated.

  4. Yay! So glad you have a review database now. I've come to your blog before wondering if you've reviewed a certain book, but had a hard time finding it. So much easier to navigate this way!


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