Book Review: "Searching for Spice" by Megan Dimaria

Spice Up Your Life

All Linda wants from her husband is to show some loving every now and then. It doesn’t sound like such a hard task, but considering it’s been forever since the two shared romantic moments together it’s a tough job. In addition to wooing the love of her life, she also has to face the consequences of her daughter’s actions involving an unlikable teacher. Plus her job is driving her nuts with a boss who treats her with disdain and customers who drive her crazy. It’s no wonder she wants to come back home to a husband who will lay out rose petals and shower her with affection.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was fun reading about what it takes to make a marriage work and how to spice things up. Linda’s attempts to make her husband transform from a boring professor to a love machine are hilarious. I think that a lot of married women will relate to this book because many of them are probably in the same situation. The scenes involving Linda’s daughter and her teacher were very intense and added a lot of suspense to the story. It’s a realistic situation that has happened before in schools today. Linda is a very patient character and it shows throughout the book. This was evident in scenes involving her job. Wow, I really hated Linda's boss. Being in customer service stinks because you always have to please the customer but I thought the way Luke treated his staff was horrendous. I would have quit myself no matter how much I liked the job. No one should have to be treated that way. Linda has an awful lot of patience that I most certainly don't have and I really admired her for that. The only thing that slightly bothered me was that nothing is ever explained as to why Carole acts the way she does. She acts really cranky and uppity the whole book and then at the very end she and Linda magically become friends. It just seems very unrealistic to have her character do a complete 180 without any explanation. Unless there will be another book involving her character, it seemed like a very untidy ending for me.

Other than this, I had a ball reading this book. I’m not married but this has given lots of ideas and advice to what to expect in a marriage in the future. I’m glad Linda and Jerry have a better understanding of what both needed to maintain a loving and lasting marriage. This was an excellent debut by Megan Dimaria and I’m looking forward to reading more from her in the future.

Searching for Spice by Megan Dimaria is published by Tyndale (2008)


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