Answers to Your Questions and Book Giveaway

As promised, here is the second half of my blogiversary celebration: answers from questions that were asked plus a special surprise at the end. Thanks to everyone who left a question!
Anything new on the horizon? Plans, dreams, etc., for your blog? - Wordlily
I really would like in the future to get my own domain name but since I went and bought all those business cards, I'll wait til I run out of those first! Short term, I really want to be able to go back and fix all the old things on my blog that need fixing - formatting issues, creating a review database, fixing images. I've semi-seriously said that I will stop blogging when all my review books have been reviewed. At this rate that won't be for several more years so I'm good.
Have you read any of the Enchanted, Inc. series by Katie Chandler? (Chick lit/fantasy) - Shadow Boxer
No, I haven't BUT I hopefully should be receiving these in the mail soon from another blogger. I heard about these books a few years ago in Paperbackswap and I've been wanting to read them for a while.
If you were starting a brand new blog and you have the knowledge you've gained over the last four years, what would you do differently? What do you think of eReaders? - Kathy (BermudaOnion)
Well first off, I definitely would NOT have done what I did when first started blogging: do every post in a different color! Wow, I have NO idea what I was thinking when I did that. I've had to go back and fix all those posts. It took me FOREVER. I also would not have done my web address the way it is formatted. It's very hard to remember with all those stupid dashes. I seriously have NO idea why I put dashes in my name.
I would love to get an eReader. I've been trying to win one and I just cannot win! They would really be handy when I go traveling as I normally either bring too many or too few books. Alas, it is not in the budget for the next few months so I just have to keep trying to win one from somewhere.
Do you think being so ingrained in book blogging hinders your social life outside of the internet? - Anonymous
No I don't. I have been able to meet a lot of people in person through book blogging including several people in the area. I've joined a real life book club with people I've met through book blogging. In fact, just yesterday I met a bunch of book bloggers in DC and we all got to hang out together. I'm not someone who goes out a lot in the first place, I don't go clubbing or go to bars so for those nights that I do stay in, reading and book blogging is a great alternative.
How does your blogging go over with your husband? Is he supportive of you, and encourage you? Or is he like my husband who constantly complains and tells me I'm wasting my time? I love my husband, but I also love my do you make it work? - Nancy
To be honest, I don't think my husband really understands what I'm doing! I tell him everything and he listens but I don't think he gets it. And it's not just him, I've found it hard to explain to other family members or outside people exactly what book blogging is. But he is supportive. He doesn't mind that our bedroom gets filled to the brim with books or that the mailman will deliver 3-5 packages a day. He lets me talk about books and the book blogging community and actually listens. I think he knows about all my twitter friends too. At night, when we watch the news, I'll twitter/blog but when we're watching a movie, I'll put it away. I give the same attention to his interests so it works out both ways. I'll usually blog during football games. I can't read when the TV's on but I can go online and do stuff. That way we're together and I can cheer when he does but I can do my own stuff as well. He is glad that I have a hobby that I enjoy.
Were you happy with the way LOST ended? - Amy
Yes and no. Well I felt it was a little like a cop out ending BUT I was satisfied. I'm sad that it has ended. Now what am I going to watch????
Why don't you review more vampire books? I think you'd like them! - Amy
I think it has to do with the fact that I don't normally like paranormal books. I've read several Christian books that have vampires in them and they were ok. I've also read Twilight and well, I didn't like that. I think I've read others but I can't remember any off the top of my head. I guess it might have to do with the sexuality that is normally shown with vampires and I'm not too big a fan of it.
Edward Cullen or Ron Weasley? - YRSTRLY
Duh. Ron. I go after red heads. Not sparkle. Although personally I prefer Fred and George. But I guess since Fred died, I have to go after George.
Do you know if I got off this woof infernal woof island? - Vincent
I think you stayed on the island. Walt probably can't take of you in the city and you seemed happy with Rose and Bernard. I do hope you alerted someone that Jack had died so he could be properly buried. I hope you didn't eat him.
Umm....Do you want to do a giveaway for your blogiversary? I maybe be able to help... :) - AdamSab
Why yes! That would be awesome!
So thanks to Tyndale House, I am pleased to be able to giveaway one of my favorite books of 2010: Her Daughter's Dream by Francine Rivers. Click here for my review.
PLEASE use the form only to enter the contest. For any comments about the book, review, etc. please use the comments link at the bottom of the post. All information must be filled out correctly or else your entry will not count. (ie. you must use FULL name and list your mailing address). Your info will only be used for this contest and will be deleted after the contest is over.
Thanks for answering my questions! I do think book blogging opens up a whole new social world, especially when you live in a big area like you do. I hope you're not blogging while Tech's playing! LOL
ReplyDeleteIt also opens up a whole new social world when you live on the other side of the globe and I get to meet people with similar interests, likes and dislikes as well!