Nancy Drew Challenge July Recap

The Nancy Drew Challenge is a reading challenge for 2010 for readers to attempt to read all 56 original yellow hardbacks that were in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. Click here for more information or to sign up for the challenge. At the end of each month, I will put up a post where participants of the challenge can recap how they did during that month. Well, I am personally almost done with the challenge! In July I read 8 books, #s 44-51. So only 5 more books to complete my goal! Well the books I read for this month really had me getting annoyed with George. In every book she keeps mocking Bess for eating. Well you know what? It's nice to see a girl with a healthy appetite and so what if Bess is slightly plump? She is doing just as much as Nancy and George is doing. I'm not quite sure if that is what the authors intended but it seems to be a subliminal message saying it's not ok for girls to eat. The stories lately have been rather forgett...