Taking a Break...

I'm going to be on hiatus for a while from blogging. Without going into detail, there are personal issues that are consuming my free time and not allowing me to blog or even read like I would like to. Scheduled posts will pop up every now and then. I hope to be back soon. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!


  1. Take care!! Will be thinking of you as you work through the issues and hoping to see you on the other side of them with a smile on your face.

  2. Hang in there, Deborah - you will be in my prayers.

  3. You know I'll be thinking of you and praying for you often!

  4. I'm so sorry Deborah. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Hang in there, Deborah, and take all the time you need!

  6. Oh no, I hope everything is ok! We will be thinking about you and missing you!

  7. Will pray for you.

  8. Hang in there Deborah. Return when you're ready, we'll all be here. I'll be thinking of you.

  9. Hang in there Deborah! Love ya girl!
    Sending you lots of thoughts and prayers!

  10. Hope everything's okay! We'll be here when you get back, take as much time as you need.

  11. You know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs, dear girl.

  12. Hi Deborah, I've been seeing your tweets but just now got to reading this. I hope you're okay and that everything gets better for you soon.

  13. Good luck, Deborah! You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers!


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