Nancy Drew Challenge February Recap

The Nancy Drew Challenge is a reading challenge for 2010 for readers to attempt to read all 56 original yellow hardbacks that were in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. Click here for more information or to sign up for the challenge. At the end of each month, I will put up a post where participants of the challenge can recap how they did during that month. The second month of the Nancy Drew Challenge ends today. How did you guys do this month? Today was a rather slow month for me Nancy Drew wise. I only read two books this month for the challenge - The Clue in the Diary and Nancy's Mysterious Letter. This is not due to lack of interest but because I was trying to read for the young adult challenge and had several library books that had to be read quickly because of due dates. I have checked out the next 10 books so I'll be all set for March. Thoughts about the two books I read - We are introduced to Ned Nickerson (Nancy's "special male friend") in The Clue in the...